So, if you repair or replace a roof yourself without a license, you will be committing a first-degree misdemeanor. This misdemeanor will result in you receiving either 1 year in jail, 12 months probation, or a $1,000 fine! Are you sure you want to work on your roof now?! Instead of paying money to a reputable roofing contractor, you could be paying a fine or spending jail time!
Why Complete the Roofing Work Yourself?
Repairing a roof can be a very expensive cost. This is especially true if there is extensive storm damage or if the whole roof needs to be replaced. To save money, you may think that you could easily repair your roof by yourself. After all, you could follow a free tutorial currently strewn across platforms such as YouTube. What could be any simpler?
However, repairing and replacing a roof are much more difficult tasks to complete than you may initially assume. In addition to the legal ramifications present in the state of Florida, it is strongly advisable to leave such roofing projects to professionals.
Roofers Know Best
Roofing professionals have the necessary equipment and have completed all required training to repair or replace your roof. They possess specialist knowledge to repair or replace your Orlando roof efficiently, successfully, and legally. The average homeowner may cause additional damage to the roof if attempting the work themselves.
Standing on a roof is also a skilled task that requires appropriate training, knowledge, and equipment. Your Orlando roofing contractor can work on your roof safely and securely.
Your Roof is Important
The roof of your home provides important protection to your home, your family, and every item beneath it. To guard such protection, a professional roofing contractor should be given the task to repair or replace your roof.
What Has Caused Damage To Your Roof?
If your roof has been damaged, what has caused the damage? Understanding the root cause can rectify any future damage that may occur if left untreated.
If shingles have become loose, why has that happened? Could it be a sign of wear and tear which will result in other shingles becoming loose in the short term?
If there is a leak in the roof, what has caused the leak? Is it one-off storm damage, or is it the result of damaged flashing, or damaged shingles? In the occurrence of any leak, an expert roofing contractor from Orlando should be sought to investigate and rectify the problem.
Multiple Causes of Damage
You may be advised to replace the whole roof if there are multiple signs of damage. Your roofing expert may discover various spots of wear and tear across the roof as a whole. If spot repairs are completed when a full roof replacement is required, additional damage may result. For example, rot may develop in the roof deck, increasing the future costs that you will have to pay.
Ventilation Problems
Modern, energy-efficient homes can suffer from poor ventilation. This results in the roof trapping moisture and subsequently causing the roof deck to rot. Additionally, the flashing and shingles may have begun to bend due to poor ventilation and trapped moisture.
These issues may reduce the lifespan of a roof and could hide inside the attic for several years before detection. Ask your Orlando roofing contractor today for a full investigation! Leaving a known problem may result in greater costs in the long term.
Future Insurance Problems
If you repair or replace your Orlando roof by yourself, you may face additional risks. As well as committing a first-degree misdemeanor, an insurance provider may not provide you with full insurance coverage.
If you were to seek an insurance claim, you must prove that a licensed contractor has completed any roofing work. Your insurance claim would not be approved if you have completed the work on your roof yourself.
Choose the Best Roofing Contractor in Orlando
Choose the best roofing contractor in Orlando to provide you with a professional, expert service. We will repair or replace your Orlando roof without any inconvenience to you. Simply call (407) 559-3536 today for a free estimate! Or, you can complete the quick and easy online form and we will contact you with a free, no-obligation estimate! It really is that easy! Contact us today to help you look after and care for your roof!
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